Prelusion Escape

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Ode to Sir Jony

The 90s were a dark time for relatively penniless Apple fans. I was young and the possibility of owning an Apple computer was an impossible dream. Each year that went by found me sliding deeper into a Microsoft Windows-induced technological depression. Oh hi there Windows 95 you look nice but why are you so mean to me? Oops, I made the mistake of buying version A. Curse you, oh failed SDLC dictated by delivering a product whether it’s ready to ship or not! Wait, where’s plug n’ play?

Steve comes back into the picture and randomly brings Microsoft’s money and a relatively unknown Jony Ive with him. My beloved delivery of the newest Mac Mall catalog would later tease me with this crazy computer called an iMac that I wouldn’t be able to afford for a decade. No PS/2 ports, all usb, no floppy drive, crazy cool colors…I wanted it all.

And now the news that Jony is moving on from Apple. Congrats to FT on an awesome, scoop-laden article.

While my head swirls with mixed feelings while I digest all of this I’ll simply leave with quotes from “A Day In the Life”:

“I read the news today, oh boy

About a lucky man who made the grade

And though the news was rather sad

Well, I just had to laugh”

FT Article